Tuesday, October 9, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge: Week 2

Finally I have some time to post week 2 of the photo challenge!  

Work and life have been keeping me busy but with the challenge I have made sure to make time each day to take at least one picture. Rather than getting frustrated because I have added one more thing on to my daily to do list, I find myself excited and looking forward to that time of each day.  

So without further adieu, here are a few things that I photographed this week!

Top Left: Day 6 - childhood memories
When I saw that this day's theme was childhood memories I was excited because it meant I had a reason to open up the storage boxes in my basement.  I had a great time going thru old pictures, passed notes from high school friends, love notes from old boyfriends, and trinkets from days gone by.  In the end I decided on photographing my old toe shoes.  Ballet was a huge part of my childhood.  I wish I had had the passion to continue!

Top Right: Day 5 - someone i love
This should come as no surprise that my handsome husband was my subject this day.  I am blessed to have so many people in my life that I love and that love me back.  Without them I would not be who I am today.  But this man has my heart now and for always.  

Bottom Most Left: Day 8 - technology
This day was a challenge for me.  I know that each day I am surrounded by so much technology but I had a hard time being inspired by anything to actually take a picture.  And then it happened.  I shared a picture on Facebook of the bottle of wine I had just opened.  Moments later a good friend, in another country!, messaged me to say that at that very moment he too was enjoying a glass of the same exact wine!  So my picture is a picture of my computer screen looking at a picture my friend posted on Facebook of his bottle of wine next to his computer screen with the picture of my Facebook post of that same bottle of wine. Technology is AMAZING!

Bottom next Left: Day 9 - faceless self portrait
I thought about doing a reflection picture on this day, but to be honest, after a long day at gymnastics...I was having a bad hair day.  I then noticed my shoes and the fallen leaves and thought, sadly, that my cute summer Sperry's weren't going to have many more days left this season.  I decided to capture my fleeting summer me footwear as my faceless self portrait. 

Bottom Middle: Day 7 - something new
There were so many things I thought about taking a photo of for this day.  I thought about taking a picture of my new name or the new photography book that had come in.  But there was Milo, in his new Halloween costume...I couldn't resist!

Bottom Right: Day 10 - what i made
Normally Sundays are craft days for me, but this particular Sunday we were up in Portsmouth, NH enjoying brunch with friends.  I happened to have my camera out taking a few pictures when I was able to capture Joel's reaction to something I had said.  I made other things that day like mimosas and monte cristos, but making laughter, I think, is best accomplishment. 

And that concludes week 2!  Stay tuned for next week!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge: Week 1

I realized that the best way to find my photographic niche is to take more pictures.  I happened to stumble across this great blog that referenced a 30 Day Photo Challenge.  

What better way to encourage myself to take more pictures than to participate in a challenge?  This particular challenge took place in August so I am actually challenging myself.  But I guess that is what I am doing with this whole photography thing anyway.  

I started the challenge on Friday, September 28.  Since I normally post to the blog on Mondays I thought that each Monday I would post the pictures I took that week.  (I know...today is Tuesday...but we had dinner guests last night!)  

Below are my week one photos, let me know what you think!

Top Left: Day 1 - Self Portrait
Self Portraits are hard!  I am used to just being on the other side of the camera.  I chose to take my picture in this hat because I love this hat and it is finally just chilly enough for me to start wearing it again.  So yes my friends.... it's baaaaaaccck! :)

Top Right: Day 2 - What I Wore
I thought it was very fitting that this day of the challenge fell on this particular day.  Saturday the 29th was the first day of the new gymnastics session for Dedham Recreation Gymnastics.  My mom, Rosemary, started the program when she was in high school and it has been family run ever since.  I grew up in this program and have been teaching ever since I was old enough.  It is a tradition that I am proud of and plan to continue.  My mom lost her battle to cancer last November.  Everyday I keep her memory alive but even more so on Saturdays during the gymnastics season.  Love you mom!

Middle: Day 3 - Clouds
I was a little nervous on this day as it was so gloomy and rainy all day!  I thought, "oh no, I am going to fail my challenge only 3 days in!"  But then Mother Nature decided to give me a break and opened the skies up to the beauty after the storm.  I took so many shots that evening it was hard to decide which one to use as my "day 3" but I finally went with the one above.  I chose it because the clouds were so dark and menacing but the houses across the bay and the seagulls in the foreground were basking in the beautiful sunset light. 

Bottom: Day 4 - Favorite Color
Gold(en) is my favorite color!!  Well, at least when it comes to my golden retriever Milo!  He's a handful but he is most definitely my favorite :)  I know I kinda cheated with this one but how can one pick just ONE color? 

Well, that's week 1 for you all!  If you really can't wait till next week, feel free to check out my Facebook page where I am posting the photos daily. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Aboard the Roseway

Matt and I were fortunate enough to be gifted a sunset sail aboard the Roseway as a wedding present.  Our sail was scheduled for September 22, 2012 and the weather was perfect. 

While aboard we learned about the the Roseway's impressive history and important ties to the Boston area.  The schooner is currently home to the World Ocean School which is a nonprofit organization that provides educational opportunities on board.  

I am so glad that I brought my camera so I could capture some of the evening's splendor!

Here in the bottom right cousin Eric explains how we would all be helping the crew raise the sails.   

Thank you Eric for this amazing experience!  Don't forget that we would like to be stowaways when you leave for St. Croix! 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Jiro Dreams of Sushi, Christin Dreams of Photography

On a recent lazy weekend, my husband, Matt, and I stumbled across the Japanese documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi.  The film focuses on Jiro Ono, an 85 year-old (in 2011) sushi chef and his continuous pursuit of perfecting the art of sushi.  Jiro's opens the film with the following quote:
Once you decide on your occupation, you must immerse yourself in your work.  You have to fall in love with your work.  Never complain about your job.  You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill.  That is the secret of success and is the key to be regarded honorably. 
It's funny how the timing of certain things occurring in life can be either so perfect or so incredibly wrong.  For me, seeing this film and hearing that quote, at this exact moment in my life, was perfect timing.  It was an additional piece of inspiration to add to my growing list.  

While the phrases "fall in love with your work" and "never complain about your job" seem so simple on the surface, I feel that many people would be afraid to express such sentiments.  It is as if the idea that a person should expect to love their work and enjoy their job is taboo.  Why is pursuing passion instead of security thought of as frivolous?  Isn't there the potential for combining the two?    

In deciding to take this new direction in my life I have to believe that that potential exists. 

So I have set off to master my skill.  

My first step has been research.  You can't get very far without a plan and you can't make a successful plan without doing some research.  So I am researching everything - the business of photography, the art of photography and the me of photography.  

One of the first lessons I have learned (aside form the importance of an online presence) in researching the "me of photography" is that I need to find my photographic niche.     

What do I want to photograph?  



Or something else entirely?  The options are endless!

I'm still working on this lesson, but I am loving this work and not complaining.  That said, according to the words of Jiro Ono I am on my way to success and being regarded honorably.  :-)  

Monday, September 17, 2012

a leap (or click) of faith

Photography has always fascinated me. 

In the beginning it was Mr. Sarvas' instant Polaroid camera.  My mom's photo albums are filled with photos that she has written "taken by Christin".  Now some of them are missing heads, some are crooked and some of them aren't that bad. 

In grade school I was exposed (pun intended) to my first photography class where I moved from the instant Polaroid to a film loaded point and shoot.  I vividly recall lining up random knick knacks like coca-cola bottles, monopoly game pieces, a tennis ball or two, etc. out in my driveway playing with the shadows. 

When I got to college I was fortunate enough to come across an old film SLR and the opportunity to develop my own film.  It was the most amazing experience ever.  I loved watching the shots I took come to life in front of my own eyes.  One of my favorite pictures that I have ever taken is of my sister, I took during this phase. 

Then life got in the way.  There was a lot of pressure to, that I realize for the most part I put on myself, focus on what I was going to do with my life.  The social pressure to choose a major, get good grades, graduate and get working took over as my front and center. 

Fast forward to today.  I'm a "grown up" in most senses of the word.  I have a degree (that I don't exactly use), I own a home, I have a (fabulous, amazing, xoxo) husband, I'm a mom -to a very lovable Golden Retriever, and I have a job.  Yes, a job, but not a career.  Therefore, I recently started to do some grown up pros and cons listing and soul searching.  That's when I stumbled across my mom's photo of me with Mr. Sarvas' camera and something "clicked" and I thought, why not? 

So here goes... I'm pressing the shutter and I can't wait to see what develops.